Since 1983, Deleu Ranch has been committed to bringing the best we have to offer in the horse and cattle industries. In 1996, we moved to the ranch in Collinsville, Texas. Our main business started with starting, finishing and selling quality reining horses. Since then we have become an Official Export Quarantine facility for South American and a seller of quality horses in all types of categories like racing, cutting, cow-horse and of course , reining.
In 2007, we began raising Registered Brahman cattle when Kevin began showing in FFA. Since that time, we've transitioned our herd over to Registered Angus, in hopes of being able to create the cattle we believe producers, seed stock and commercial alike, can use to improve their genetics.We have a solid base of females stemming from the Schaff Angus Valley and Connealy Angus programs.We fully believe in these genetics, and that through artificial insemination and embryo transfer we can provide the phenotype and genotype you're looking for. Anyone and everyone are welcome to come visit the ranch and see our herd.
Deleu Ranch está no mercado treinando, competindo, vendendo e comprando animais desde 1983.
Auxiliamos na compra de animais Quarto de Milha e Paints nos EUA de todas as modalidades, rédeas, apartação, laço, tambor e corrida.
Fazemos a documentação para exportação e quarentena para o Brasil e toda America do Sul.
Tradição e experiência faz a diferença na compra do seu animal.